Monday, June 27, 2005

Procrastination is my middle name

I know I promised many humorous tales of misadventure, and that I have not delivered on that promise. But I am a busy woman! Do you think I just sit around all day? My life is just too hectic for me to find time for blogging.

My typical evening starts with walking the dog, then I feed him. Next I fix my own supper. After that I pick out a DVD to rewatch for the 80th time because I'm too cheap and lazy to get cable. But don't think that I just sit there and watch the DVD, oh no! I'm way too busy for that! The DVD is just on to have some background noise. But I guess I do have time to sit down and watch the DVD while I eat my supper. Just for a minute. And oh look, is that stray hair on my leg? Let me go get the tweezers and pluck that sucker. Well, since i have out the tweezers, i might as well check my eyebrows. Yep, they need plucking too...lets just go in the bathroom and do that. Hmm, the candle in the bathroom is totally used up. Now where did i put those spare votives? Oh here they are in the closet...I think i'll use the blackberry scented one. So let's go back in the bathroom and put it in the candleholder. Wait, I used that same scent the last couple times, lets get crazy and switch it up. Go back to the closet to see what else is there. How about Tropical Garden? Yes that sounds good...lets take it to the bathroom. It fits nicely in the holder, but it is pink. It doesn't match the bathroom. Take it back to the closet and get the blackberry one again. Ok, now that that all-important task is complete lets go finish dinner. What?! Lucky ate my dinner! Little punk. Let me fix another dinner. Oh wait, that plant looks pretty droopy...I better fill up the watering can and water it. Hmm, while i'm at it, i wonder what the plants on the patio look like. Holy crap! They're really wilted - better water those too and pronto! Eeek! A spider!!! Where's my Raid?? Die Mofo! DIE!!! Pew, it stinks in here now. Smells like Raid. I better light a candle or two. Or five. Ok back to fixing my dinner. Now lets sit down and eat it. Just for a couple minutes though...I'm way too busy to sit and watch this DVD for more than 10 minutes. Hahaha! I love it when Jack Black teaches those kids to rock. hour later and I watched the whole movie. I can't waste any more time. But I do need background noise...Do I have time for another DVD?

That is by no means the end of the evening, but you get the idea of how the rest of the evening is going to go. So now you see that I am a very very busy woman with many important things to do and so you will be understanding when i am slow to post humorous misadventures on my blog.


Blogger Cherhell said...

Mom recently suggested that you had ADD. I thought, nah, she just procrastinates like me. No. You do not. When I and most other people procrastinate, it usually involves vast amounts of sitting around doing absolutely nothing, all the while thinking: "I really do need to do my laundry/fix dinner/pay the bills." You seem to be constantly distracted by crap that "needs" doing. Just a thought.

June 27, 2005 at 8:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'll second that...

June 27, 2005 at 9:06 PM  

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