Tuesday, January 11, 2005

The Great Waterbed Incident, Part I

This story is one of the highlights of the many episodes of my life that over time I will chronicle in this blog. This is a long story and so I am going to break it into chapters. Probably it will be in two parts, but possibly three. Here is Part I:

Back in the 80’s waterbeds were pretty popular. In the early 90’s the fad was waning but some people still had them. I was one of those people. I had just moved into a 10th floor apartment in a high-rise and was faced with the task of reassembling my beloved waterbed. When I purchased it a couple of years prior, the men who delivered it assembled it for me and then filled it. I could have called them again but, being a student at the time I was always broke and I didn’t want to pay for the service. Instead, I entreated my roommate’s boyfriend (who claimed to have previously worked for a waterbed delivery company and therefore had experience assembling them) to put it together for me. He came over on a Sunday afternoon and set to work. Several hours later he was still working on it. I noted to myself that it only took the guys who put it together the first time about and hour and a half to finish, but I said nothing since he was doing me a huge favor. Finally, around two in the morning he finished and the bed was ready to be filled with water. In hindsight, I should have waited until the next day to fill the bed, but I had been sleeping on the floor for days and was anxious to finally sleep in my beloved waterbed.

Stay tuned for Part II...


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