Monday, January 10, 2005

"Doctor says it wouldn't bleed so much if I could just keep my finger outa there!"

Have you ever seen someone in their car, sitting in traffic, picking their nose? Have you ever noticed that these nose pickers are ALWAYS middle-aged men? I’ve never seen a member of any other demographic engaged in this activity. What is it with these men? Do they think that they are invisible? Do they think because they are alone in their car that they are truly “alone”, forgetting about the thousands of other motorists who are sharing the highway with them? Or maybe once a man reaches a certain age, he just no longer cares what people know about his personal habits. Actually, this may well be the answer because something else just occurred to me. It is always these same people who are seen around the office, walking toward the bathroom with a newspaper tucked under their arm, without a care in the world that by doing so everyone knows that they plan to be in there for a while.

Does anyone have any other theories? Maybe there are some middle aged men out there who could lend some very valuable insight to this burning question.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've noticed only men in particular picking their noses in traffic. Especially at a stop-light to ensure the maximum number of disgusted viewers. I've always figured that they were just plain disgusting. They might have been those kids that would pick their scabs and chase you around with the "residue." Or the little boys in your elementary school class that would pick up a bug and put it in your hair. Maybe nose-pickin' is just the next step for these fine gentlemen. I know, it's the EVOLUTION OF DISGUSTING KIDS!

My sister noticed someone picking their nose at a traffic light. This man happened to be EATING THEM also. She rolled down the window and yelled, "HEY! STOP PICKING YOUR BOOGERS!" I don't think he heard her.

January 10, 2005 at 4:03 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

Maybe they do it mostly at stop lights so that they won't stab their brains if they have to suddenly slam on the brakes. It is called "defensive driving".

January 10, 2005 at 4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I once saw a guy with GIANT NOSTRILS sitting at a traffic light swiping the inside of his GIANT NOSTRILS with a Q-Tip. He obviously got in the car, planning to use that time to clean out his GIANT NOSTRILS. I don't know what he does with the used Q-Tips and I don't want to know.

January 10, 2005 at 5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One boogie, two boogie, three boogie, four... I like eating boogies.. lend me your nostril for s'more!

January 11, 2005 at 10:49 AM  

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